Wednesday, October 3, 2012

blog spotlight from life of a redhead

sarah reed is my bestest friend in the whole world!! i love her soo much and she has the cutest blog ever! enjoy!

hey-hey samantha's story readers!  my name is sarah and my blog is the life of a redhead.  i love one direction and taylor swift.  harry potter and hunger games.  spiderman and a bunch of movies.  nerd glasses and being awkie.  never capitalizing things and being crasy {and yes, i meant to spell that with an 's'}.  and a bunch more.  i also have a few other blogs:

What is your favorite color, animal, and song?

well, my favorite colors are definitely turquoise and coral.  they are just adorbs.  my favorite animal has always been a white tiger.  i don't know why, and i don't know why it's not just tigers in general.  i guess white ones just look... cooler?  haha.  oh well.  and last, my favorite song.  oh boy.  there's a few.  right now, i'm mostly obsessed with t. swift's new singles.  especially "begin again" and "red".  and then also, i really love "you and i" by ingrid michaelson and all of these songs.  

What was {or who} your blog inspiration?

ok, my blog inspiration.  well, pretty much my 2, like, bff's had a blog together and i wanted to join in the fun!  and now, uh, i'm basically obsessed.  i swear i'm going to find a way to make blogging my occupation.  see more here.

What is your favorite hobby?

blogging.  period.  but ok, i'll tell you more.  umm...  photography, listening to music {does that count as a hobby?}, tweeting, and, um, going on pinterest.  yeah.  so basically, my life relies on digitalness and the internet.  weird.  haha.

What are 5 fun facts about yourself?

ooohh...  here we go:

// i got to say "play ball" at a diamondbacks game when i was like, 9.
// i have a bit of an obsession with politics and debates.  and maybe just social studies in general?
// i kind of want to make my eyesight horrible so i can wear nerd glasses for real.
// i can be pretty awkie sometimes.  just sometimes.  lol no.  always.
// i recently just posted 100 facts about myself on my blog celebrating my 100th post.

What are your top five blogs?

well, i love all of my friends blogs {including this one :D }, but i'm going to stray from them because most of them have been named in previous guest posts.  

this is going to be really hard, i have like a million more favorite blogs than five.

// golden.

thanks so much for letting me guest post sami g!

Black heart (cards), sarah
sami g


  1. thanks for letting me guest post! :D

    love ya!

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead

  2. Cute! I guess I rubbed off on you and your political obsession.

    1. haha. yup! i've love social studies since about 5th grade and politics since the beginning of 7th! but i've always love proper arguements. lol. :D

      ♥, sarah
