Saturday, October 27, 2012

i wish there was a bright side to this post

ok sorry for the 3rd post this night but it's urgent. ok so i'm moving at the end of november and i'll still go to stapley but i might go to red mountain for high school. i literally started crying when my mom told me but it could be true. i really really don't want to go red mountain! i have so many bestfriends i don't want to lose!!! i really hope i go to mountain view but there is a possibility i might go to red mountain. i have to convince my mom to let me stay. who thought moving could be so hard?


  1. Yeah moving really is hard and sad:( I hope you go to mountain view

    <3 steph

  2. oh my goodness! sami g!!!!! i'm seriously going to cry!! i really hope you get to go to mountain view! {there's always boundary exceptions, right?}

    but if you do end up having to go to red mountain, i'm sure it's for a reason. maybe it's in god's plan for you. i mean, who knows? maybe you'll find your future hubby there or somethin'. :D

    whatever happens, it's for the best. but i love you and we could still be friends either way! and we'd still hang out ALL the time, no matter what school.

    but... i still hope you go to mv.

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead

    1. aww thanks doll! i can always count on you! i really hope i do go but who knows? maybe its for the best.
      sami g

  3. Don't go to red mountain! We will all convince your mom if we have to, but you are not going!!!!!!!!!! You will be able to make friends fast though. :) so we don't have to worry about that and we can still hangout! Don't go to red mountain!

    1. thanks! i hope i can get a boundary exception. i bet everything will work out though. thanks for being there for me! i know i can always count on you!
      sami g

  4. i nominated you for an awrd

    <3 steph

  5. Don't go to red mountain! It's a dumb school! We really really need your soul! I'm crying.

    1. amen sista! i really don't want to go. my mom said we would work it out. i hope it works! thanks for always being there for me!
      sami g
