Wednesday, August 29, 2012


So yesterday was well, horrible. I got sick with a cold/fever and couldn't go to school. I was constantly coughing and blowing my nose. On top of that, I went down stairs to get my phone and the screen was blank white. I tried everything and it won't work. {T-Mobile Store here we come :(} I am so sorry if I missed anybodys texts or calls. Today I have to force myself to go to school. I still feel a little sick but not as bad as yesterday. Make-up work here I come :(


  1. awww... sorry! i totally know the pain. that stinks about your phone! now you can't look at your boyfriend whenever you look at the screen. haha. {you will on your new one! :D }

    hope you feel better soon!

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead

  2. seriously, its like this week cannot get any worse!
