my dear twin, sarah gave me the liebster award. i could not be happier! she is always thinking of others and i am so glad she thought of me
The liebster blog award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
what is a liebster?
the meaning: liebster is german and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
rules of thumb:
1. each person much post 11 things about themselves
2. answer the question the nominator made for you and also create 11 more questions for the blogs you nominate
3. choose 11 people and link them to your post
4. go to their page and tell them.
5. no tag backs!
11 things about me...
1. i am in love with disney
2. i love taylor swift, she is my favorite singer
3. my favorite color is pink
4. i love my friends and family
5. blogging and internet in general are basically my life
6. my favorite season is fall/winter {cold weather is my thing}
7. california and utah are my favorite place ever
8. i have 3 blogs
9. i love to play softball
10. pinterest is very addicting for me
11. i am very anxious to be moving
my 11 questions from sarah...
1. if you knew you only had 1 day to live, what would you do?
i have no idea.
2. who is your favorite music artist of all time? who is your least favorite?
taylor swift. i don't know about least. probably a rap person. i hate rap.
3. if you are dressing up for halloween, what are you being?
ummm duh! i'm being a princess with all my friends!
4. what is your favorite season of the year? why?
winter/fall. it's cold and happy and it's christmas time!
5. if you could live in any one place in the world, where would it be?
either utah or cali. but for now i like it in az with my friends.
6. say you won the lottery and became a multi-milllionaire. what would be the first thing you bought?
oh my. i have no idea.
7. if you could spend a day with one celebrity, who would it be?
niall horan or taylor swift. {probably t-swift though!}
8. what was the last movie you saw in a theatre.
the perks of being a wallflower. {i don't reccomend it}
9. which shoe do you put on first? left of right?
um i think right.
10. what is your favorite holiday?
11. have you ever broken a bone? if so, where?
nope. i fractured my fingers though.
my 11 questions for all you cuties!
1. if you could be famous would you?
2. what is your favorite movie?
3. what is your favorite hobby?
4. do you play a sport? which one?
5. who is your favorite super hero?
6. school subject?
7. who is your bestfriend?
8. if you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
9. what is a habbit that your have?
10. where would you rather live?
11. how many states have you been to? which?
i nominate:
1. sarah {i know the whole no tag backs thing but whatever}
5. liz
6. sara
7. bailey
thanks again ariel!
sami g