Sunday, October 28, 2012

sunday update

i don't why but i am in love with he song
marina and the diamonds
its pretty much the only song i like by her but i just love it

and i am also lovin' red by t-swift

i guess this is like an early music mionday.

i also had a great lesson at church and went to my little cousin's family birthday party. i can't believe she is 9! it's crazy. i remember when she was a baby! man how time flies.

i was also nominated like 3 more times for the lieb award. thanks dolls who nominated me! {even if you are rebels!} i will answer the questions later.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

i wish there was a bright side to this post

ok sorry for the 3rd post this night but it's urgent. ok so i'm moving at the end of november and i'll still go to stapley but i might go to red mountain for high school. i literally started crying when my mom told me but it could be true. i really really don't want to go red mountain! i have so many bestfriends i don't want to lose!!! i really hope i go to mountain view but there is a possibility i might go to red mountain. i have to convince my mom to let me stay. who thought moving could be so hard?

just dance 4

on friday night i went to bekah's and we played just dance 4! soo fun!

super saturday

today was pretty super. from 9am till 1:30pm i went shopping with my grandma and aunt. in the afternoon we set up for the annual anderson family halloween dinner. at around 5pm my adorable cousins came over for the dinner. and thats about it.

//i seriously think i live in a disney movie sometimes.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the lieb award

my dear twin, sarah gave me the liebster award. i could not be happier! she is always thinking of others and i am so glad she thought of me


The liebster blog award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

what is a liebster?

the meaning: liebster is german and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

rules of thumb:
1. each person much post 11 things about themselves
2. answer the question the nominator made for you and also create 11 more questions for the blogs you nominate
3. choose 11 people and link them to your post
4. go to their page and tell them.
5. no tag backs!

11 things about me...
1. i am in love with disney
2. i love taylor swift, she is my favorite singer
3. my favorite color is pink
4. i love my friends and family
5. blogging and internet in general are basically my life
6. my favorite season is fall/winter {cold weather is my thing}
7. california and utah are my favorite place ever
8. i have 3 blogs
9. i love to play softball
10. pinterest is very addicting for me
11. i am very anxious to be moving

my 11 questions from sarah...
1.     if you knew you only had 1 day to live, what would you do?
        i have no idea. 
2.    who is your favorite music artist of all time?  who is your least favorite?
        taylor swift. i don't know about least. probably a rap person. i hate rap.
3.     if you are dressing up for halloween, what are you being?
        ummm duh! i'm being a princess with all my friends!
4.    what is your favorite season of the year?  why?
       winter/fall. it's cold and happy and it's christmas time!
5.    if you could live in any one place in the world, where would it be?
       either utah or cali. but for now i like it in az with my friends.
6.    say you won the lottery and became a multi-milllionaire.  what would be the first thing you bought?
       oh my. i have no idea.
7.    if you could spend a day with one celebrity, who would it be?
       niall horan or taylor swift. {probably t-swift though!}
8.     what was the last movie you saw in a theatre.
        the perks of being a wallflower. {i don't reccomend it}
9.    which shoe do you put on first?  left of right?
        um i think right.
10.  what is your favorite holiday?
11.  have you ever broken a bone?  if so, where?
       nope. i fractured my fingers though.

my 11 questions for all you cuties!

1. if you could be famous would you?
2. what is your favorite movie?
3. what is your favorite hobby?
4. do you play a sport? which one?
5. who is your favorite super hero?
6. school subject?
7. who is your bestfriend?
8. if you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
9. what is a habbit that your have?
10. where would you rather live?
11. how many states have you been to? which?

i nominate:
1. sarah {i know the whole no tag backs thing but whatever}
2. kallee
4. steph
5. liz
6. sara
7. bailey
8. mandi
10. elsha

thanks again ariel!
sami g

boot hunt

   Cana-8 Round Toe Military Lace Up Boot

so i have been looking all over to try to find some cute, good price boots.  i like these but need help making a decision. or if anyone knows about any other ones, i'll check them out.  i want them to be the lace up kind.
sami g

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

totes tuesday

well i have not blogged in forever! sorry about that. well its totally tuesday and i am totally sore from  softball. no joke. it hurts to walk!! oh my goodness. well on a lighter note, buy t-swifts new album red.
PS: do you ever have that day where you just play music really loud and start singing and dancing? well that happens to me like every day. i have no idea how the world would work without music.
sami g

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

totally tuesday

i totally watched the debate! it was soo great! mitt did fantastic! {just like the 1st one} i am very excited for the november election! go mitt!

Monday, October 15, 2012

musical monday

this is a very old song but i love it

ours by taylor swift

love her!

sami g

Sunday, October 14, 2012

sweater sunday

well, i am soo excited for fall {hence, the post name}! the weather has been so great the past couple days and i have definitely taken advantage. i just love this picture

i love sweater weather.  

sami g

Saturday, October 13, 2012

super saturday

well this saturday wasn't very "super". all i did was go to my little brother's football game and then watched TV and played on the computer. all day. so as you can see, i ended my fall break very productively. but i did  manage to start on odette and pocahontas's weddings so thats good news. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, check my pinterest.

sami g

new posts

ok so to keep myself motivated to post everyday, each day i will have a new thing to post about so far...

moday-musical monday
tuesday-totally tuesday?
friday-favorites friday?
saturday-super saturday?
sunday-special sunday?

as you can see, i need a little help. let me know if you think of one or if i should change one.

sami g

Friday, October 12, 2012


well i saw frankenweenie on thursday but forgot to post on it. so it was fine. not as cute as hotel translyvania, but still a good one. i have no idea why but black and white movies bother me sooo much! i guess thats why and i dont like the way it ended. but still good.

sami g

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

it's official, we're movin

the day i thought would never come is coming. we are officially moving. i'm nervous, scared, and excited. we don't know for sure which house but we will be moved before christmas. all i can say i will still go to stapley and mountain view. but i won't as close to m best friends as i'm used to. i just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

sami g

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

hotel translyvania

today i saw hotel transylvania in 3D and it was great! i didn't think i would like it all that much but it was very cute! i'm kinda excited for all these halloween-y movies. i also saw paranorman awhile ago but didn't really like it.
but anyway, really enjoyed hotel translyvania.

and...i am very happy for myself because i found out how put social media icons up! {trust me, major discovery}

sami g

Monday, October 8, 2012

vintage inspired blog + sponsor

my new makeover is complete thanks to sarah. she is so great at designing blogs! i am also doing a sponsor. it is FREE. i will give you my button and you'll give me yours. my 1st sponsor is sarah. for example, look at the left sidebar.

hope to sponsor with ya soon!!

sami g

Sunday, October 7, 2012

a makeover

i know what you're thinking, didn't you just redo your blog? well my answer is yes. i can never stay settled on one thing for too long so my blog will be naked for a while until i'm done. any ideas or tips?

sami g

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

oh friends

so glad i have some. love ya girls!

this totally reminds me of sarah and i {not only because of the rockin
red hair}

keekeej, remember this one??

oh rebekah, sarah, kallee, jill......
sami g
{love all ya dolls}

blog spotlight from life of a redhead

sarah reed is my bestest friend in the whole world!! i love her soo much and she has the cutest blog ever! enjoy!

hey-hey samantha's story readers!  my name is sarah and my blog is the life of a redhead.  i love one direction and taylor swift.  harry potter and hunger games.  spiderman and a bunch of movies.  nerd glasses and being awkie.  never capitalizing things and being crasy {and yes, i meant to spell that with an 's'}.  and a bunch more.  i also have a few other blogs:

What is your favorite color, animal, and song?

well, my favorite colors are definitely turquoise and coral.  they are just adorbs.  my favorite animal has always been a white tiger.  i don't know why, and i don't know why it's not just tigers in general.  i guess white ones just look... cooler?  haha.  oh well.  and last, my favorite song.  oh boy.  there's a few.  right now, i'm mostly obsessed with t. swift's new singles.  especially "begin again" and "red".  and then also, i really love "you and i" by ingrid michaelson and all of these songs.  

What was {or who} your blog inspiration?

ok, my blog inspiration.  well, pretty much my 2, like, bff's had a blog together and i wanted to join in the fun!  and now, uh, i'm basically obsessed.  i swear i'm going to find a way to make blogging my occupation.  see more here.

What is your favorite hobby?

blogging.  period.  but ok, i'll tell you more.  umm...  photography, listening to music {does that count as a hobby?}, tweeting, and, um, going on pinterest.  yeah.  so basically, my life relies on digitalness and the internet.  weird.  haha.

What are 5 fun facts about yourself?

ooohh...  here we go:

// i got to say "play ball" at a diamondbacks game when i was like, 9.
// i have a bit of an obsession with politics and debates.  and maybe just social studies in general?
// i kind of want to make my eyesight horrible so i can wear nerd glasses for real.
// i can be pretty awkie sometimes.  just sometimes.  lol no.  always.
// i recently just posted 100 facts about myself on my blog celebrating my 100th post.

What are your top five blogs?

well, i love all of my friends blogs {including this one :D }, but i'm going to stray from them because most of them have been named in previous guest posts.  

this is going to be really hard, i have like a million more favorite blogs than five.

// golden.

thanks so much for letting me guest post sami g!

Black heart (cards), sarah
sami g

Monday, October 1, 2012

blog spotlight from because i am blonde

let me just start by sayin' i love this chick. she is super gorgeous and a great friend of mine. check her out.

Hello! I am Kallee! I blog over at Because I Am Blonde. I believe in being yourself. You can definately tell that by the way my blog runs! Haha! I love blogging. It is great. So is the word great. It is just great. The piano is my passion. Harry Potter and One Direction are just amazing! I feel that explains it.
Loves, Kallee

What is your favorite color, animal, and song?

 My favorite colors are pink and orange. Gray is really cute too when paired with the right things.  I love Koala Bears. Simply lovable. Right now my top 2 favorite songs are  More Than This by One Direction and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift.
What was {or who} your blog inspiration?
 My blog inspiration is my mum. It sounds cooler when it is Harry Potter style.
What is your favorite hobby?
 Doing hair and playing the piano and obsessing over politics.
What are 5 fun facts about yourself?
5 Fun Facts
1. Cheese sticks and popcorn and pie are my weekness. Don't judge.
2. I wish I was a wizard. Harry Potter for life.
3. Green Apple Jolly Ranchers make me cough.
4. Justin Bieber and Niall Horan are super beautiful.
5. Books are a great invention.
 What are your top 5 blogs?
Top 5 blogs
1. This blog!
2. Sarah Reed's blog.
3. Happiness Is...
4. My blog!
5. Rebekah's blog.

musical monday

Todays song is

everybody by ingrid michaelson and while i am on the subject of ingrid, i reccomend you and i.
cutest songs ever.
